
Shoulder pain can arise due to a number of different reasons which include but are not limited to: impingement, subluxation, bursitis, ligamentous or muscle tears, and inflammation. The shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body which also makes it less stable, which increases the risk of injury and pain. Hence, the best way to decrease shoulder pain and prevent injury is to strengthen the structures that allow for safe and pain-free movement.

Common conditions of the shoulder:

  • Rotator cuff tendinopathy/tear

  • Subacromial bursitis

  • Shoulder instability

  • Arthritis

  • Frozen shoulder

How physiotherapy helps:

  • Conservatively increasing shoulder stability while also allowing for maximum movement to minimise the loss of function

  • Exercises targeted at increasing shoulder range through joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons

  • Manual therapy to relieve joint stiffness and muscle tightness

Things to get started:

  • Heat packs over the shoulder to relieve muscle tightness

  • Gentle massage of painful/tight areas

  • Slow and gentle movement of the shoulder in pain-free ranges