
Neck pain is a common problem affecting 1 in 7 Australians. The purpose of the neck is to support the head while also allowing for movement. Our head is quite a heavy structure, meaning that our necks need to be strong enough to support the weight but also mobile enough to allow for movement and function. However, injury can occur to the neck at the joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, nerves or bone.

Some Symptoms of Neck Pain

  • Pain in the centre or sides of the neck that can radiate into the arms

  • Stiffness/restriction to movement

  • Weakness of the muscles

  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, nausea

  • Pins and needles, burning or tingling sensations

Physiotherapy Management

Physiotherapy is a safe and conservative type of management for the treatment of neck pain. Treatment includes

  • Manual therapy: Joint mobilisations and massage

  • Muscle strengthening

  • Dry needling & acupuncture

  • Electrical stimulation

  • Postural correction

  • Home exercise programs

  • Nerve gliding and stretching exercises

  • Advice and education regarding independent management

Useful tips to get you started

  • Adopt a comfortable and upright head, neck, shoulder and upper back posture

  • Frequent and gentle movement of the neck in pain-free ranges

  • Ergonomically appropriate seating and working environment to reduce strain on the neck

  • Limiting smartphone screen time as this causes you to look down