
The temporomandibular joint or more commonly known as the jaw is one of the most frequently used joints in the body. Most notably, the jaw is used for talking, chewing, and facial expressions. Hence problems can cause pain, headaches and restriction to movement. The cause of these problems can be the joints, muscles, tendons, or an assortment of all three.

Symptoms of Jaw Pain

  • Clicking or popping

  • Tenderness in the jaw

  • Decreased jaw movement

  • Grinding of the teeth

  • Headaches

  • Upper neck pain

Physiotherapy Management

Physiotherapy management of jaw pain usually involves a comprehensive interview and physical assessment to understand the pain and symptoms to better target problematic areas causing the discomfort. Then interventions can include joint mobilisations, massage, muscle strengthening, home exercise programs, dry needling and advice and education regarding independent management.

Useful tips to get you started

  • Avoid clenching jaw when not using the jaw

  • Chewing on tough foods

  • Decreasing stress

  • Avoiding leaning or laying on the jaw

  • Gentle movements into pain-free ranges of natural jaw motions